I don't feel as if I've made a whole lot of progress this week, but looking back I guess I have. All mainline track is laid except for the last piece of flex to connect with west end Phillipsburg/Allentown staging. All tortoises are installed, all feeders have been placed & those midway thru Andover Jct have been connected. The west yard lead at Warwick has been installed, all slide switches in Maybrook have linkages, except 2, frogs at the west end of Maybrook have been wired. I hope to get the rest of the feeders connected tomorrow & hope to put the mainline in service to the end of track at the entrance to west end staging. West end staging will be deferred for a week or so until I get some surplus twin coil switch machines, since I've given up on Atlas under the table machines. I'll keep using the ones I've already installed, but won't be installing any more.
The time is getting closer & closer for near full scale test sessions! As of today I'm 2 weeks shy of 5 months since construction started. I don't think I'll be able to initiate near full scale test sessions by the 6 month anniversary, but I think I won't miss it by much.
I'm very impressed with your accomplishments so far! Hats off to you! Looking forward to the first test session!!